They should have known better. Congregated there, unzested, unsquozen, in the brightest of colors, trumpeting their presence to all. He was incensed by their blatant visibility. They are like the man who rides the elephant idly in the tall grass of the Serengeti. Does he not see the tiger waiting to pounce but ten yards away? The Tamalehawk saw this on YouTube today and assessed it as the greatest 35 seconds on the internet. It made him hungry, as all tiger footage does.
Today he again feasted on zero breakfast. It creates a fascinating pit in his stomach. He ate pizza from Spacca Napoli on Sunnyside and Ravenswood and seriously, have you tried this place? The Tamalehawk stared the question straight into the souls of passers-by. He ate a Montanara pizza, which had salami, prosciutto, ricotta cheese, olives, mushrooms, and tomato sauce. For dinner he had a few beers, part of a discounted chicken quesadilla, a medium-rare burger with Swiss cheese, and pasta salad. And handfuls of popcorn that Martin thought cost money but was as free as could be.
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