June came and went, quietly sliding by with only two paltry posts to its name. Tamalehawk sounds a mournful squawk for the lack of traction on his beloved tractate. Raising a baby hawk has been a full-time job, often pushing experimentation to the back burner, where it simmers unceremoniously until Tamalehawk gets a free wing to stir, panic, adjust, and rejoice.
That's not to imply that he hasn't maintained a steady trickle of triumphs. This curried lamb burger with grilled zucchini and chili-yogurt sauce would certainly spur a sheep to nod approvingly. Tamalehawk is typically particular about his lamb manifestations, preferring chops to sinewy shanks, but the subtle, uniform taste and texture of ground lamb was designed for the burger format. The toasted whole wheat English muffin made a perfect carrying case, creating a durable lining for runaway flavor.
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ReplyDeleteI am said sheep. . .please Tamalehawk, tell me where I might find such a creation. I salivate with anticipation!
ReplyDeleteSince Tamalehawk crafted this by wing, you can find it in his kitchen! Add curry powder to the ground lamb, shape a patty, and grill it alongside the zucchini. Mix some garlic chili sauce into plain yogurt to top. Find a way to unhinge your jaw like a rattler and consume whole.
ReplyDeleteThat is powerfully delicious-looking, like a character in a lost Dr. Seuss story who comes to Gyro-Town and teaches the inhabitants an important lesson about accepting those different from themselves, seeing as they're all brothers in mashed lamb. I just got a thrilling electric shock and a mouthful of likely-poisonous liquid crystals from trying to bite my monitor. Thanks, jerk.